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Gandhi-Prophet of Satyagraha

An Acquaintance with the political saint, who brought down an empire by preaching brotherhood and non-violence, whose very name has become synonymous with non-violence and freedom, whose life volumes of books can’t do justice to, whose sacrifices rightly earned him the title of‘Father of the nation’-Mahatma Gandhi is more than an individual, he is a movement that still exists today in the hearts of people.

The honorific ‘Mahatma’ (Sanskrit: high-soul, venerable) employing non-violence Civil Disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. It is undoubtedly South Africa, which the whole world is indebted to, for providing the circumstances for the nurturing and the blossoming of a world figure who would change the contemporary world history in the years to come.

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Mahatma Gandhi- Educational Thoughts and Their Impact of Indian Education System

Mahatma Gandhi was a great leader, a practical philosopher and an educational thinker of great repute. He wanted  to establish a caste-less society free of all exploitation and racial discrimination. He used education as an instrument to achieve this purpose. His philosophy of education was an outcome of long experience of political, social and economic life of the country.

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Ethics and morality are the branch of philosophy which deals with values of human conduct in the rightness or wrongness of certain actions. Unlike the traditional concept of Bureaucracy which anticipated it as a valueless concept, NPA (New Public Administration) movement in the sixties, treated it as a strong case for values, relevance, change and equity in the field of administration.

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Development Administration: Concept and Features

The essence of development administration is to bring about change through integrated, organised and properly directed governmental action. In the recent past the governments in most of the developing nations have shifted their focus on development by means of planned change and people’s participation. With this shift of administrative concern towards developmental objectives the researchers and practitioners of Public Administration have been forced to conceptualise the developmental situation and to bridge the gaps in administrative theory. The growing welfare functions of the government have brought into limelight the limitations of the traditional theory of administration.


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Citizens’ Charter: Instrument of organisational transparency and accountability

The Citizens’ Charter is an instrument which seeks to make an organisation transparent, accountable and citizen friendly. A Citizens’ Charter is basically a set of commitments made by an organisation regarding the standards of service which it delivers.

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Rohingya Crisis-Internal Issue of Myanmar

Rohingyas are the stateless and  among the most persecuted people in the world. They belongs to Muslim ethnic-minority group who lived as a people in Myanmar for centuries and speak their own language, which isn’t recognised by the state. They have faced repression since the 1970s, but more intensively since 2011, when the government transformed from a military administration to a democratic administration.

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Gender Budgeting- A tool for women empowerment

Women Empowerment refers to increasing and improving the social, economic, political and legal strength of the women, to ensure equal-right to women. It helps women to control and benefit from resources, assets, income and their own time, as well as the ability to manage risk and improve their economic status and wellbeing. Many of the barriers to women’s empowerment and equity lie ingrained in cultural norms. Many women feel these pressures, while others have become accustomed to being treated inferior to men. Empowering women to participate fully in economic life across all sectors is essential to build stronger economies, achieve internationally agreed goals for development and sustainability, and improve the quality of life for women, men, families and communities.

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Mahatma Gandhi and the Philosophy of Satyagraha

Mohandas Karam Chandra Gandhi, whom we all refer to as Mahatma Gandhi or The Father of the Nation was the inventor of satyagraha. The title Mahatma which literary means a high-soul was given to him for inspiring the nation for civil rights and freedom across the world using non-violence and civil disobedience movements. He was the heart and soul of the fight for independence and brought down the British Empire to its knees by his very own weapons of non-violence, brotherhood and Satyagraha.


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Concept of Triple Talaq

India is a secular country. According to 2011 census, India accommodates around 14.23% Muslims out of total population making it world’s third largest Muslim population. India which has nowadays emerged as a powerful nation among all and the very first nation successfully launching Mars Orbiter Mission and teaches the lesson of women empowerment to the world still sees the life of Muslim women being ruined mercilessly under the threat of a sudden, oral and out-of-court divorce merely by uttering “talaq” thrice which is popularly known as Triple Talaq.

The Indian constitution protects gender equality, but on issues of marriage, divorce and inheritance, different religious communities are governed by their own so-called personal laws. Whether a person is subject to those laws is usually determined by their religion at birth.


Most of the Muslim women are forced to marry before the age of 15 years which is illegitimate as per our constitution but legal as per Muslim law board. Marriage at such a tender age decreases their ability to acquire proper education and become self-dependent financially. According to a survey conducted by Bhartiya Muslim Mahila Andolan revealed the horrific picture that 95% of divorced women does not receive any maintenance from their husbands.

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Child Labour in India

Child labour in India is biggest problem in India. The main reason is poverty and lack of social security. Commercialisation of education and lack of good quality of education and facilities in the government school do not able to stop the child labour. This situation has to be evaluated at the current scenario.

As we know that child are the future of the country, but the mud of child labour become very harmful to the child rather it is directly affect the future of the nation. Therefore, Government of India has enacted Right to Education (RTE) and also amended Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2016 to keep distance from child labouring as well as facilitate the better and free education, easy admission in schools, listened the children’s health to prohibit the engagement of children in all occupations and of adolescents in hazardous occupations and processes and facilitate the rules and regulation of convention of International Labour Organisation (ILO).

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