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Corona virus is a family of viruses that cause an infection in our nose, sinuses, or upper throat. Most of them are not dangerous. The term corona virus originated from the Latin term corona which means ‘crown’ due to the presence of crown-like spikes on its surface. The first signs and symptoms of respiratory tract infection were observed in 1962 in China.

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  • The sun, the eight planets and their satellites (or moons), and thousands of other heavenly bodies such as asteroids, comets, meteors and dwarf plants form Solar system.
  • Our planet Earth is also a part of the solar system.
  • The solar system is located in the Milky Way galaxy. The Sun is located at the centre of the solar system while other heavenly bodies of solar system revolve around it due to the gravitational pull.
  • The sun is the only source of energy in solar system.
  • the Sun is an star of average size and the planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Some planets have natural satellites revolving around them called moon. Also there are numerous comets, asteroids, and meteoroids; and the interplanetary medium.

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Science and Technology Crux Vol. 19

Please feel free to comment and suggest any changes that you may like to see in the magazine for the coming editions.

We wish our aspirants all the best for their preparations and studies.

Click here for Science and Technology Crux Vol. 19 [Oct-Dec 2019]

Science and Technology Crux Vol. 18

Please feel free to comment and suggest any changes that you may like to see in the magazine for the coming editions.

We wish our aspirants all the best for their preparations and studies.

Click here for Science and Technology Crux Vol. 17 [Jan-March 2019]

Science and Technology Crux Vol. 17

Please feel free to comment and suggest any changes that you may like to see in the magazine for the coming editions.

We wish our aspirants all the best for their preparations and studies.

Click here for Science and Technology Crux Vol. 17 [Jan-March 2019]

Science and Technology Crux Vol. 16

Please feel free to comment and suggest any changes that you may like to see in the magazine for the coming editions.

We wish our aspirants all the best for their preparations and studies.

Click here for Science and Technology Crux Vol. 16 [Oct-Dec 2018]

Neutrinos—The Ghost Particle

A neutrino is a subatomic particle that found its similarities with that of an electron. But unlike electron, it has no electrical charge and negligibly small mass, which can also be considered zero. It is one of the fundamental particles which make up the entire universe.

Neutrinos are the most abundant particles in the universe still they are difficult to detect because they interact with matter in least possible circumstances.

They are almost nothing at all, because they have almost no mass and no electric charge. They are just little wisps of almost nothing because of which they are also referred to as ghost particles.

Cosmic neutrino 

Credit: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss

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Science and Technology Crux Vol. 15

Please feel free to comment and suggest any changes that you may like to see in the magazine for the coming editions.

We wish our aspirants all the best for their preparations and studies.

Click here for Science and Technology Crux Vol. 15 [Jul-Sep 2018]

Science and Technology Crux Vol. 14

Please feel free to comment and suggest any changes that you may like to see in the magazine for the coming editions.

We wish our aspirants all the best for their preparations and studies.

Click here for Science and Technology Crux Vol. 14 [Apr-Jun 2018]

Science and Technology Crux Vol. 13

Please feel free to comment and suggest any changes that you may like to see in the magazine for the coming editions.

We wish our aspirants all the best for their preparations and studies.

Click here for Science and Technology Crux Vol. 13 [Jan-Mar 2018]